Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We had our first snow last week and found that boys and girls really are different. Carston spent almost 3 hours outside playing the snow, while Sydney spent about 30 minutes and then came in for hot chocolate. Next time I promise to take pictures of the dudedestroying daddy's perfectly sculpted mulch beds in the back yard. I think Maren and Lydia came home from school and each spent about 10 minutes total out in the snow. They came in looking for hot cocoa as well. But, at least they all slept well that night. Maren has also exploded onto the spelling scene with 3 perfect spelling tests in the last three weeks. I think the milkshake bribe is working.

3 comments: said...

yea!! I found your blog!!! I'm so glad. You don't have to worry about keeping up with me...I have NO life!!!!! Anyways, glad you have one so we can atleast see pics and hear stories and stuff! Love ya! said...

yes, I'm commenting again....I finally realized my glich. I didn't put a "-" in between ohio and busackers. Crazy...I know. Anyways, so do you coupon? Wierd question, I know...but I thought I'd ask!

Unknown said...

ok ding-a-ling. Put me on you f and f list. I put you on mine. its And do you feel like a techie idiot with these things. Everyone else seems to just get it. NOT ME!! But yours is way cute. C U Soon!